Waiting for a ride.
Walking by.
Grandfather? The face looks just like him.
Eyes of blue, wrinkled joy.
Soft smile wants for a mustache to employ,
And a nod to impress the passerby or welcomed guest with a grin.
So it begins.
Who are you? What do you do? And why are you here?
Is there someone coming for you? Do you need a ride somewhere?
Do you need anything? Are you comfortable in the shade?
Would you like some company? Here?
With you.
What are you doing here? Did you have a meeting? Do you work here?
Are you from here? Are you visiting? Are you staying?
Would you like to know what is going on here?
How much time do you have?
Want to see something exciting?
How about an interview to share your story?
Can you hear? Too loud? Too soft? Too slow? Too fast?
Talk fast to calm the nerves but never in an interview,
Full of calm when the camera light is green
and the mic light blinks red: this meeting is being recorded.
Documentarians, writers, scientists, and students
In Fresh-Air-with-Terry-Gross style,
The coolest part is the 1940s-looking, two-way microphone.
Welcome to a stay-and-talk-a-long-time confession booth.
When someone needs a friend beside them, healing brings
Time spent together without distraction or interruption.
Peace Corps “sitting time”, full of stillness,
staying in one place for a little while,
the lingering effect, the fresh belief
in everyone at once alive makes well the sick.
Well-known places to so many, look lost in the mirror.
It could be what was once familiar
no longer is so recognizable:
everywhere I want to be,
nowhere I long to be.
When I first started this work, I had no invented idea
Regarding questions that I could not have answered then;
I stepped into a place of wonder.
One thing remains: everyone needs someone to cheer them on.
Can you cheer me on?
Let me stand to see you catch your ride.
We can walk together paso a paso.
Bright light from here to there, the sidewalk rules: proceed with sunglasses on.
Walk slowly now the moment slips so swiftly from present to past,
the future drives on down the road
with friends to steer along safely home, so
why pause to greet you.
You must know all there is to know, enough for two.
You answered right away to meet me,
making a person feel happy,
where they happen to be,
it is more than a name;
it is your song.